But without sleep, all else fails

The past fortnight, I have:

  • Got to sleep at 1:32 AM on average, for 7 hours, 2 minutes’ worth of sleep a night. Earlier nights than last month, but definitely not early enough. The stats show I’m still behind on sleep, and I feel exhausted.
  • Made only four things:
    • A single scene of writing,
    • A poem,
    • A little bit of work organising a trip, and
    • A bit of work on my budget.
  • And I didn’t finish anything. I had hoped to finish a playthough of a video game, but it was consuming too much time and sleep and I made the decision to uninstall it it. It’s not yet clear if this has actually helped.

D&D was last week due to a schedule shift. The players are starting to turn the tide in their current dungeon, but the latest problem is one of my own NPCs trying to derail the plot. This must be stopped …

I just need to work out how!

Improving Everything But Sleep

Due to my last post being a day early, these stats are for two fortnights plus one day. These saw an excess of phone-related distractions, impacting sleep. But after cancelling a few commitments from last year, I have been more relaxed and productive generally.

Twenty-nine being a prime number, I was worried the averages would be tricky, but it came out quite cleanly:

  • I got to sleep an average of 2 hours after midnight, for 7 hours and 9 minutes’ sleep a night (both figures to the minute!). These are typical, but feel worse, possibly because they include lost sleep from a 3-a.m. work call.
  • I made 17 things (8.5 per fortnight). Ten were in the past 14 days alone, so the trend is an increase:
    • 4 evenings of D&D prep,
    • 4 pieces of writing (3 scenes and a poem),
    • it to 2 social events (the wedding, and wedding setup day),
    • 2 evenings of work on my tax,
    • 1 blog post (of an existing but unshared poem),
    • and one evening each of budget, appointments, trip planning, and helping sort my late father’s poetry.
  • And I finished A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, which was a nice enjoyable thriller – though of course with the dark turns you expect in a murder mystery. I didn’t read another book in the second fortnight, but I did go to see a surrealist art exhibition 🙂

The D&D game continues well, though the party have had a hard time of it lately, between escaped enemies and a couple of nasty undead fights.

Both Late and Early

This post is late, of course, because I should have posted a goals update on Boxing Day. It is early because I’m writing it in advance — both to catch up, and because this Thursday I shall be at a wedding.

Future data is of course missing, but I’ll include it in my next post instead 🙂

Based on the data so far, I:

  • Got to Sleep at 2 AM on average, for about 7 hours and 13 minutes of sleep a night. This was better in the first fortnight, so I think New Years’ Eve celebrations may hold some of the blame.
  • Worked on 12 things. Six each fortnight, mostly by twos:
    • A pair of scenes for my writing WIP.
    • A pair of poems.
    • A pair of budget-focused evenings.
    • A pair of tax ones — this would be basically done, but I discovered I’m missing a vital piece of paperwork.
    • Two sessions of work classifying my Magic: The Gathering collection, which I rarely play and therefore organise even more rarely.
    • And two unrelated things: some D&D prep, and my two annual Christmas cards (which I’m counting as one thing).
  • Following the pattern, I finished two books (one per fortnight):
    • Inside Job, by Dr Rebecca Myers. This was a very heavy read: more than once, I had to stop reading and take a break, which is unusual for me. (Content warnings: sexual violence, children, and the intersection thereof.)
      But it is also very well written — Myers describes the details of the prison building and job very vividly (though she draws more of a veil over the heavy parts).
    • And Hard Eight, by Janet Evanovich, which was much less serious (though it is still a crime novel with life-and-death — or worse — stakes). This book got me thinking about the passiveness of many of my characters — while Evanovich’s protagonist doesn’t really accomplish much, she is nothing if not proactive.

No D&D last fortnight (Christmas) nor this one (moved to board games due to scheduling issues).

Gaining Momentum

This fortnight, I have:

  • Slept 7.2 hours a night, on average. A slight improvement. Despite that, I’ve decided to change this goal again, to “get to bed before midnight”. Minus one point per minute I stay up into the next day!
    • What I wanted from the 8-hour goal was to wake up before my alarm, and have a low-rush morning. Instead, I got up later and later, rushed even more, and still got to work late. Finished late. And so on until I got even less sleep.
  • Made seven things:
    • Three pieces of D&D prep. One of these was scaling up the maps from the adventure I’m running, to use with minis. This took longer than it should, because (a) Linux, and (b) my printer refused to scan anything. It wanted magenta ink. Maybe I should have just scanned it in black and white 🙂
    • A proper, posted letter to a friend I don’t see so often.
    • Another fragment of fiction writing.
    • More mending, and …
    • … another email to the company I’m trying to buy new clothes from. This conversation continues…
  • But I did finish reading Masterclass: Writing Romantic Fiction, by Barbara Samuel. I’m not a romance writer in any sense, and this book opens with “if you want to write romance, you first have to read it”. So much for that? But no! It still inspired me to get writing again, and Samuel has so much generally-useful writing advice I had to keep going back and taking notes.

No D&D this week due to the continuing round of cold-season illness.

Progress, or the lack thereof

In the past fortnight, my goals haven’t gone quite so well. I have:

  • Slept about 6.9 hours a night, and I’m feeling the lack of it (hence the late update).
  • Made Things on about 7 nights:
    • Prepared four bits and pieces for D&D, including a rough chart of several pieces of backstory. This got short change because of the left-over prep from last week, though if I’d had time and energy I could certainly still have done more,
    • Wrote one sonnet, and one segment for a longer poem,
    • Sent one (1) complaint to the council about them wanting to reduce library hours, (which managed to consume an inordinate amount of mental effort), and
    • Nearly ordered a heating upgrade for my cold house, but learned at the last minute there was probably a better, cheaper option. Back to the drawing board…
  • And I completed Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate III. I’m not sure this counts as something finished: it did take me about a hundred hours, but a lot of that may have been my determination to look in every possible pot, chest, and cupboard in hopes of finding loot among all the junk.

In the end, though, the D&D game went well, so I’m calling this fortnight good enough.

I’m still railroading more than I’d like to, but it’s early days yet. My flexibility can improve.