Nothing Much to Say

To quickly summarise this fortnight, I have:

  • Got to sleep at 1:07 AM, on average. This makes about 7 hours, 9 minutes of average sleep.
  • Made 9 things:
    • 3 evenings of progress on my budget. I got sick of the bank view-spending tool and am now writing my own, which is less efficient but much more motivating.
    • 2 evenings on house-ownership-related paperwork,
    • Planned my visit to a convention next month,
    • Wrote a scene of fiction,
    • Prepared some D&D content, and
    • Organised myself to vote in the local election.
  • And I finished ASA’s Guide to Getting Published, by Juliet Rogers. An interesting and enjoyable read, but it was clear I don’t need that advice quite yet. I particularly need to improve my social media savvy first — of which this post is a shining anti-example 🙂

No D&D this fortnight, due to illness and scheduling issues.

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