A Better Class of Distraction

This fortnight, I rediscovered Questionable Content, remembered how much I liked it, and re-read a bunch of it. This doesn’t count as a “finished”, however, as I’ve skipped a bit in the middle.

I’m tempted to go back and catch up properly, but reading it on my phone at night wasn’t great for sleep. I may need to shell out for the books instead.

As to the stats, I have:

  • Got to sleep an average of 1 hour 41 minutes after midnight, averaging a touch over 7 hours of sleep.
  • Made only six things:
    • Three evenings of D&D prep,
    • Two pieces of writing (a poem, and a story scene), and
    • One afternoon putting in a garden. Sadly it wasn’t a partridge in a pear tree!
  • I also finished Samantha Shannon’s The Mime Order. This series is keeping me nicely engaged (with a bit less loss of sleep than QC). There were some interesting hints about the magic system in this book, which I’m looking forward to seeing play out.

D&D was actually last Wednesday due to some schedule issues, but it went well. The PCs did nearly burn down the dungeon with all the essential clues still inside, but wiser heads prevailed, so the adventure shall continue.

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