A good fortnight for the wakeful

This fortnight, I have:

  • Got to sleep about 1.3 hours after midnight on average, for about 6.7 hours of sleep a night. An improvement over last fortnight, at least.
  • Made ten things:
    • Four evenings of progress on my Lachisis Weaves project. Mostly this was testing and CI setup, so I’ve got no cool diagrams to show for it, but it does bring me closer to such demonstrations.
    • Two evenings of D&D prep.
    • An afternoon of gardening, cutting back a tree. Again, not work that’ll bear any fruit (or vegetables), but necessary to get light for them to grow in.
    • One decent chunk of fiction writing.
    • And two bits of boring life-admin stuff: getting my oven repaired, and sorting out (finally!) the other clothing order.
  • And I finished two books: Iain M. Banks’ Excession, and Peter Swanson’s The Girl with a Clock for a Heart. Excession, at least, reminded me how many of Banks’ books I still need to read…

Overall, a good outcome for everything except sleep. The D&D session went off nicely, although the PCs threw my plans slightly for a loop by running into their enemies at the shops.

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